The poultry world is under big constraints with bird flu with all Europe and North America contaminated with many outbreaks on wild and domestic birds.
As an example, a map of Europe showing all outbreaks in around 1 year time:
During this past year 2022 and including the recent wave of outbreaks in France at the very end of 2022, Grimaud Frères has been able to preserve its duck lines and Grand Parent stocks farms. The supply of Grimaud breeder ducks is continuously maintained to meet the needs in France and for export to any countries open to day-old bird imports from France.
Grimaud Frères has developed some breeder distribution bases in Australia, Canada and Vietnam, and the company has some plans to continue developing further this GP bases to insure regular supply of PS ducks to its clients worldwide. We will keep you informed on these new distribution bases in future newsletters.
The company is also working on HPAI vaccination promotion. Bird flu is nowadays endemic ; the vaccination will contribute to reduce significantly the risks of contaminations and production losses, with all the distress of farmers when they get contaminations. When most of countries will apply this vaccination, for the ones where HPAI is endemic, the regulation for genetic and meat trades between countries will be adapted progressively.
With all producers, poultry companies and countries building quickly these new trades norms including HPAI vaccination, we will build at the same time a better durability for the ducks and poultry meat in the world with regular supply of safe meat to the consumers of our tasty products!