Canard Top KFT company is already a well-known company in Hungary as a hatchery for producing mule ducklings for local fat liver production industry. The company is working with Grimaud Frères for already many years for distributing Grimaud mule duck genetic to his local clients as well as on neighbor countries.
Since middle of 2023, Denis Breheret, General manager of the company, decided to develop the production of STAR 53 Pekin ducklings for developing its activities, and for answering to the local market demand.
The sales of ducklings started end of 2023 with good success and performances of the broiler Star 53 ducks.

Hatvani (associate). Missing: Làszló Baranyi and Denis Bréhéret (associates)
“Hungary is one of the major Pekin duck market in Europe and the perspectives of development are good for Canard Top in this market” says Denis Breheret. Canard Top is increasing his range of products and is attracting new clients with this new breed with advantageous growing performances. This new step is leading the company Canard Top to new perspectives of growth in the coming years!