Pekin duck focus: the webinar that launched our new brand identity

Pekin duck focus: the webinar that launched our new brand identity

Pekin duck focus: the webinar that launched our new brand identity

On 17 September, many of you were able to connect to our “Pekin Duck focus” webinar to share Grimaud Frères’ latest international news. The month of September 2020 was marked by the launch of our new identity. With our new baseline «Caring for Life» is our commitment to contribute to the sustainability of livestock farming is based on 5 pillars.

– Continuous progress to serve technical and economic performance
– Innovative and tailor-made services
– Technical support

– The best experts at your service
– Access to the latest technologies
Positive management and well-being at work

– Better access to food safety
– A more ethical food production
– More quality, more diversity

– Better natural defenses, less antibiotics
– No. 1 worldwide in animal welfare innovations
– The sanitary quality commitment

– Improving food efficiency and preserving natural resources
– Latest technologies for positive and innovative agriculture
– Supporting and contributing to sustainable livestock farming


Grimaud Frères wins Innov’Space Gold Award

Grimaud Frères wins Innov’Space Gold Award

Grimaud Frères wins Innov’Space Gold Award

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the INNOV’SPACE label and celebrating 25 years of innovation, Space was keen to retrace the evolution of farmers’ daily lives and demonstrate that the livestock sector has always seen constant development in order to meet consumer expectations. A total of 100 innovations were selected as particularly outstanding by the Innov’Space jury, out of a total of 1,253 distinctions awarded since 1995. The products, equipment and services selected were considered by the jury to be forerunners in the development of practices, precursors in their field, or to have been so commercially successful that they have been widely used on farms.

Among the award-winning innovations was the Infrared Beak Treatment by Grimaud Frères, for which the company received an Innov’Space Award in 2007.

Grimaud Frères wins Innov’Space Gold Award

Grimaud Frères reçoit un Innov’Space d’Or

Grimaud Frères reçoit un Innov’Space d’Or

A l’occasion des 25 ans du label INNOV’SPACE et célébrer 25 années d’innovation, le Space a souhaité retracer l’évolution du quotidien des éleveurs, et démontrer que le secteur de l’élevage est toujours à l’avant-garde, sans cesse en évolution pour répondre aux attentes des consommateurs. Au total, ce sont 100 innovations qui ont été retenues comme particulièrement marquantes par le jury des Innov’Space, sur un total de 1 253 distinctions remises depuis 1995. Les produits, équipements et services retenus ont été considérés par le jury comme à l’origine d’une évolution des pratiques, précurseurs dans leur domaine, ou ayant eu un tel succès commercial qu’ils ont été largement répandus dans les élevages. 

Parmi les innovations retenues, le Traitement par Infrarouge du Bec de Grimaud Frères pour laquelle l’entreprise a reçu un Innov’Space en 2007.

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