Caring for life

Providing the animal welfare that society expects of us and satisfying our customers.

Mickael Le Helloco, DG Novogen, génétique aviculture

Grimaud Frères anticipates the future needs of both the breeders and consumers of our poultry.

In keeping with our profession as breeders and hatchery operators, Grimaud Frères is at the very beginning of the production chain for top-of-the-range duck, goose and pigeon meat, and we pride ourselves on anticipating the future needs of our poultry farmers and consumers. Our teams analyse market developments on an ongoing basis and provide products suited to the expectations of breeders and processors of marketed poultry. Our animals offer good growth potential and conformation with maximum livability, for optimal zootechnical performance on your poultry farms.

The Grimaud Frères teams are also committed to quality poultry health by providing optimal rearing conditions and by offering recognised innovations to constantly improve the well-being of the animals we supply.

Our Grimaud Frères teams will continue to offer you top-of-the-range poultry that meets your expectations!

Yann Le Pottier,
Managing Director

Mickael Le Helloco, Directeur Général de Novogen, génétique aviculture


Our role is caring for

Caring for our customers and partners

Continuous progress in the service of technical and economic performance.

Innovative services tailored to your needs.

Renowned support.

Caring for our staff

The best experts at your service.

Access to the technologies of tomorrow.

Positive management and workplace well-being.

Caring for people

Food and health.

More ethical food.

Higher quality, more diversity.

Caring for animals

Improved natural defenses, fewer antibiotics.

World No. 1 in animal welfare innovation.

Commitment to health quality.

Caring for the planet

Improving food efficiency and preserving natural resources.

Making the latest technologies available for positive and innovative agriculture.

Supporting and contributing to sustainable animal husbandry.

Grimaud Frères initiatives

  • Tous
  • Clients (5)
  • Customers (13)
  • Equipes (2)
  • Teams (2)
  • Animals (4)
  • Animaux (9)
Logo du groupe Grimaud

Grimaud Frères,the pigeon and waterfowl subsidiary of Groupe Grimaud

Sends animals resulting from its genetic selection all over the world.

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